Land Survey
- American Land Title Association (ALTA) and National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) have created survey standards which are often required as part of commercial real estate transactions. SITE surveys comply with all standards set forth by ALTA, NSPS and applicable regulations.
- Many municipalities require an as-built survey at the conclusion of a project to insure conformance with the permit documents.
Boundary Stakeout
- Boundary Stakeouts are used to identify property lines. They are often marked with a wood stake (lathe) and ribbon. No plan is provided, only markings on-site.
- This can be used for: identifying the lines for the installation of landscaping, fencing or simply determining where a property line exists.
Boundary and Topography Survey
- Creates a plan of the property depicting the property boundary, topography, trees greater then 6” DBH, man-made features and visible utilities. Impervious coverage summary is provided.
- This plan is typically used as the existing conditions for proposed permit and land development plans.
Construction Stakeout